Saturday 20 July 2024

Cuach Torc.



The latest bulletin from the BTO on my Cuckoo.

"Our third Irish Cuckoo, Cuach Torc, is out east, in Greece. He has moved south over the last few days and is now approximately 5 miles south-west of the town of Megalopoli in the southwestern part of Arcadia, southern Greece.

Which of our Cuckoos will be the next to arrive in Africa? Torc and Sayaan look poised to make their moves, but one of the others could leapfrog them.

I hope you've enjoyed this update, as always, you can see the latest positions of all our tagged birds by visiting the Cuckoo tracking map.

Saturday 13 July 2024

BTO Bulletin.

 Latest news from the BTO of my Cuckoo.

Torc visits Albania

Photo shows Cuckoo Cuach Torc. He is a silver/grey bird with an arresting yellow eye ring and orange iris around a black retina.

Irish Cuckoo Cuach Torc has hopped over the border into Albania.

Dear John,


The last week has seen lots of movement on the Cuckoo front with more birds departing and most of our birds progressing south.

Having previously been in Bosnia & Herzegovina, Cuach Torc has flown south over the border into neighbouring Albania, becoming the first of our tagged Cuckoos to stop off in this country. He is now in the counryside surrounding the town of Shëngjin in Lezhë County, northwestern Albania. In 2023 he arrived in northern Africa on 29 July so he may well linger a little longer in Albania or Greece before crossing into Africa.

Friday 12 July 2024


 The young hoglet appeared on its own last night, while it was still light at nine o'clock. That is my kitchen clock striking in the background.

                                                              Hoglet feeding.

Monday 8 July 2024


 It was great last night to see my usual hedgehog visitor arrive with a youngster.

                                                Mother hedgehog and hoglet.  Video. John Elliott    

Video taken through my kitchen window, the tick-tock background is from my kitchen clock  still going well after its 100th birthday.

Thursday 4 July 2024

My Cuckoo.

 The latest bulletin from theBTO.

Irish Cuckoo Cuach Torc was also tagged in 2023, his subsequent journey south taking him to the south of France, then northern Italy before crossing over to Bosnia and Herzegovina where he remained until late July. This year he has skipped the south of France and travelled via Italy to the same region in the south of Bosnia and Herzegovina. He is currently some 7 miles north of the town of Trebinje. Cuach Torc is the only tagged Cuckoo to have spent any significant time in Bosnia and Herzegovina so far.